Facing issue for Authorization API

Hi, We "Pelican Payment Services Ltd" are licensed TPP. We have done a subscription on the developer portal and are in the process of integrating with the sandbox APIs. We are facing some issues while API integration. Please find below, the details about the same. In response to consent or payment create APIs we are getting SCA as OAuth. The response field 'scaOAuth' contains a link to /.well-known/openid-configuration API. We tried to get /authorise API information from the well-known endpoint. However, as the specification about the same is not mentioned on the portal we tried passing parameters as per our understanding of Berlin specification. But we are getting 'Er is een technische fout opgetreden' on the browser page when we tried redirecting the to /authorise API URL. PFA screenshot 'authorise_failed.png'. Below is the request for /authorise API: https://xs2a.sandbox.vanlanschot.com/authorise?response_type=code&scope=openid&client_id=PSDGB-FCA-791330&redirect_uri=https://api-sb.psd2.pelicanpay.io/psd2/v1/auth/callback&state=1234&code_challenge=Ql2f8jpBcxBkFS3FAaGJQEoDRwMtD6zkDwvA6SlzL_0&code_challenge_method=S256&Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key=da5483c7ce2e4c669a3cf17d57e12938



    Hi, Did you get a chance to look at the issue? Let us know if any more information is required fromĀ our end. Thanks in advance.
    Posted by Hidden Wed, 09 Oct 2019 07:04:54 GMT
    Hi, Trust you are well. Just wanted to know, Did you get a chance to look at the issue?
    Posted by Hidden Wed, 16 Oct 2019 12:37:58 GMT

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